OPA  Lattice Design Code

The main purpose of the OPA code is to support the development of electron (positron) storage rings. Emphasis is on visualization and interactivity rather than on elaborate beam dynamics models. OPA is in particular useful for designing high brightness light source lattices, but may be used for transfer lines and other types of lattices as well. Storage ring design with OPA starts from scratch and ends at a bare (i.e. error free) lattice with optimized dynamic apertures, to be passed on to other codes like TRACY, MAD or ELEGANT, which use more complete models.




Major changes from OPA version 3 to 4

OPA 3.91d (2017)

The last (more or less) robust Delphi-version, for flat lattices only (no coupling).

Take a Tour of OPA to see if it may be useful for you too!

Read the User guide (PDF) to learn about its capabilities and limitations, how to install and use it and also about some physics behind.

Download the ZIP-file containing the program including example files and user guide. The program is a single executable and should run on any Microsoft Windows system.

This page is a mirror of the offical OPA page of the SynBD (former ADOS) group at PSI. It may be ahead in updates since the official page is not maintained continuously anymore due to my retirement.

Last update Mar 7, 2025. Andreas Streun